Sunday, March 28, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Session 7: What is Mobile Learning?

What is Mobile Learning?

For more informaion about m-learning, you can visit!

Mobile learning: a handbook for educators and trainers

Monday, March 22, 2010

Session 7: Uses of mobile technology in school

Session 7: Uses of mobile technology in school

Using handheld devices such as Kindle, ipad or others to introduce e school bag to school.

e-school bag application
- e-textbook
- exercise resources
- multimedia learning and teaching tool
- search and download web resource
- Student learning profile
and etc..

- No need to carry the printed textbook, learning materials of all subject can be stored in one devices
- interesting learning environment
- allow group discussion and presentation
- learn outside classroom
- encourage student- centered learning

- handheld devices have small screen, difficult to concentrate and inhealthy for the eyes, especially to the young children
- resources need to be upload frequently, heavy workload to the teachers

A primary school in HK introduced e school bag programme

Monday, March 15, 2010

Session 6: Discuss on the Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building

Floor plan of Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building
Rm 321 is an Experimental Classroom in Run Run Shaw Building of HKU. Here we will discuss on our feeling after attending some classes in this room.

- Facilitate group discussion
- The Webcam, projector, laptop and microphone are all ready on the table which is useful for the class to share or present
- Screens provided on the wall can facilitate group presentation
- Teacher can use the touch screen to control the whole classroom

- It is difficult to communicate with other groups on the different layers
- It is difficult to listen to the teacher.
- The laptop is not enough on each table.
- Teacher may focus his/her attention on the upper layer.

Please add your comments on Room 321 here too. Thank You!

Session 6: Solution to an Education issue

Research topic:
How e-learning platform can facilitate teaching and learning.

Issue to be discussed in the research:
-Pros and Cons of using e-learning platform on teaching and learning.

-e-learning platform, providing online exercises and instant feedback, thus a good self-learning platform
-It reduces teachers' workload and enhance the learning of students.
-Another platform for self-learning especailly during long holidays or swine flu school suspension etc.
-Teacher can upload the information and resources to the students

-Motivation of self-learning is low.
-How to prevent the problem of copying?
-Does drill and practice exercises a good means of learning?
-The effectiveness of e-learning platform is uncertain
-Most of the exersices only provide multiple choices or fill in the blank

Research on:
- how e-learning platform faciliate learning and teaching
- case study
- compare the learning result of different groups of students


Teachers and service provider can update the resources on the webpage in often.
Exercises in e-learning system has record keeping, it helps teacher for assessing the students' works more easily.
Also the assessment can be compared intra and inter schools.