Monday, February 8, 2010

Session 3: Multimedia narratives from Interactive Narratives

Interactive Narratives is a visual storying telling websites, providing online and print journalists from around the world.

We found "Decade in review: 2000-2009" in USA Today from Interactive Narratives, one of the multimedia narratives we like.

Front Page of "Decade in review: 2000-2009"Video captured from the webpage

Reason why we like this website:

Do you remember when wikipedia came to your life? Do you remember when you've got your first ipod classic?

You can simply refresh your memory in this site.

This site provides a 10 years review on the big news, eye catching photos and simple description are provided.

You can also click on the reporter's comment and get more information here.


  1. It is a good review to remind my memory. The impressive image let me remember the forgettable things. It refreshes my mind.

  2. People always forget things in a short period of time even it was big things. This visual story telling site not only refresh our memeory but also tell our young generation of the history.
